Predictable Projectile
Working on a new project and needed the AI to always be able to shoot and hit the player while accounting for the players' movement.
So I researched Predictable Projectiles and arrived at this
- The blue sphere is the predicted point
- The red line is the direction to the predicted point
- The blue disc is the intersection point
Note: This doesn't account for gravity and the projectile has a constant speed
Link to my Medium where I talked extensively about how I achieved this is below
So I researched Predictable Projectiles and arrived at this
- The blue sphere is the predicted point
- The red line is the direction to the predicted point
- The blue disc is the intersection point
Note: This doesn't account for gravity and the projectile has a constant speed
Link to my Medium where I talked extensively about how I achieved this is below
Numeric Springing Effect
Numeric Springing is a great tool, especially when working with procedural animations, All you need to do is specify some values and spring-related parameters from Hooke's Law and you get a nice-looking spring effect.
I will be posting an extensive look at how I created this spring effect on my medium page soon